Fridge Waterline Installation Cost in Ottawa: From $350

Give us a call today: 613 791 5777 for a free upfront estimate!

Do You Want a Complementary Free Estimate for a Fridge Waterline Installation in Ottawa? At Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing, we offer reasonable rates and transparent pricing. Our licensed plumbers provide fridge water line installations in Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanat, Orleans, Carlington, Old Ottawa South, Vanier, Gloucester, and Emburn.

Buying a new fridge can be an intensely satisfying scenario, and a quality fridge can last you a decade or even longer. When you look into the types of fridges available today, you’ll see that many have high-tech options. Depending on which fridges tickle your fancy, you could get features like a water dispenser and an ice maker. When buying a fridge with the ice maker, hiring a licensed plumber to install it is ideal. The plumbing professional will need to ensure your fridge is properly connected to a water supply line, which means installing a water line. Continue reading to learn more about why you should hire a reputable plumbing company to do the installation.

Hiring a Licensed Plumber for Fridge Ice Maker Line Installation

Installing a new refrigerator equipped with an ice maker is more challenging than you might think. It might seem like the perfect do-it-yourself project, but it’s harder than it may look. Issues like water supply tubes, how to run the tubing, tee fitting, the saddle valve, and the shutoff valve are best left to licensed professionals who’ll get the job done right the first time around. If you DIY and make a mistake, you might pay dearly in the form of leaks that lead to expensive repairs.

You need to ensure your fridge with an ice maker is installed properly. Equipping your home with a fridge containing an ice maker and water filter will add convenience to your kitchen. However, installing one without a water supply line will be pointless. Depending on the configuration of your kitchen, you may or may not have a water line that can be connected to your fridge’s ice maker. Do you already have a plumbing line that runs through your kitchen? A licensed plumber will be able to relocate or replace it. If your kitchen lacks water lines, a professional plumber can help you.

Do you require an ice maker line for fridge installation in Ottawa? If so, you know who to call! Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing has the experience, quality products, and customer service you need and deserve. But don’t simply take our word for it. Check out the many 5-star reviews our customers have left us.  

Can I Simply Install a Water Line On My Own?

Most refrigerators contain water connection kits to the ice maker. However, they’re often of questionable quality, which is why they tend to go unused by manufacturers and plumbers. Hiring a licensed plumber to install your water line means you won’t have to deal with the risks of causing leaks if you do it yourself. A professional plumber will install water lines, if need be, by going through the floor or wall. And a properly placed shut-off valve means you will be able to turn off the water quickly. The ability to shut off the water will be helpful in emergencies. The water lines need to accommodate many gallons of water, so the plumber will use suitable copper tubing to ensure a proper water supply.

Depending on the location of your water source, a licensed plumber can complete a project within a few hours. The project will require more time if plumbing repairs or drilling is needed. The overall condition of your home’s plumbing system will also affect how long the project takes.

When You Know You Need an Expert

It pays to know when you can reasonably do something yourself and when you need the help of an expert. Hiring a professional plumber to install a new fridge with an ice maker means the job will be completed faster and easier than if you do it on your own. If things go wrong, trying to save money on something like installing a gas line, water line, or supply tubing might cost you more in the long run. Having to pay a professional plumber to fix the mistakes you make could cost more than if you had hired an experienced plumber at the beginning of the project.

Prices for Fridge Ice Maker Lines from Dr. Pipe

In Non-Condo:

Cost for Ice Maker Lines For Fridge– $350

In Condo:

Cost for Ice Maker Lines For Fridge– $400

Why Should You Hire Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing?

Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing has been serving homeowners in Ontario since 1992. Over the last three decades, we’ve earned a reputation for our quality service. Our goal is to accommodate our customers’ busy lifestyles and schedules. At Dr. Pipe, we don’t cut corners, so you can expect the best from our licensed plumbers. We regularly receive many calls and reviews from appreciative customers who’ve seen that we deliver what we promise. 

Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing Ottawa is at your service. Our qualified plumbers are available 24 hours daily to address your plumbing issues. Do you want more information about our fridge waterline installation in Ottawa? If so, call Dr. Pipe at 613 791 5777 or reach us using our form or WhatsApp credentials. Allow us to attend to your plumbing problems quickly, professionally, and at a great rate.

Fridge Waterline Installation Cost in Ottawa: From $350

Give us a call today: 613 791 5777 for a free upfront estimate!