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Leaky Cooper Pipe Ottawa

We are going to show you how by using special repair sleeves, you can fix leaky copper efficiently and quickly.

Step #1 – Remove The Damaged Pipe

If you notice a copper pipe leak Ottawa, you need to remove the actual damaged piece of copper pipe. Start by making sure that you turn off the valve to your main water supply and remove the water from the damaged water line by draining. To remove the section of pipe that encompasses about 1 in, use a pipe cutter. Make sure that you have the space on both sides of the leak. Tighten cutter’s screw and have the pipe firmly in the cutter’s jaws. Turn clockwise and watch as the pipe snaps eventually as you tighten the screw handle.

Step #2 – Clean And Flux Mating Surfaces

You want to make sure that your copper pipe is ready to accept a new pipe. Use a wire fitting brush to remove any corrosion from the inside of the repair sleeve. The outside of the pipe is going to need a quick onceover with emery paper. All four cleaned surfaces require some flux on it, so brush it on.

Step #3 – Sliding On The Repair Sleeve

The sleeve goes onto one side of the pipe first, and then onto the other. In order to do so, you might need to make sure that nearby pipe hangers are loosened. You want to make sure that around half an inch of each pipe is in the sleeve, so center is accordingly.

 Step #4 – Solder the joint

There are copper pipe repair kits that do not require soldering, but most will. Make sure that you have the tip of the solder wire to the opposite side of the joint and that you have the torch flame to the other. When you have enough to fill the entire joint entirely, pull the solder away.

Call The Professionals For Leak Detection

If you believe that you have a leak in your Ottawa home or just believe that you have a copper pipe leak Ottawa and cannot repair it yourself, call the licensed professionals at Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing Services. We can call ourselves the most skilled leak detector Ottawa because of our years of experience on the job. If you are hesitant to DIY or just want to make sure that everything is in order – call today.

Give us a call today: 613 791 5777  for a free upfront estimate!
