Give us a call today: 613 791 5777 for a free upfront estimate!
Could you imagine the horror on your face when you find that your sewer has backed up through the house? If your home does not get a sewer line replacement Ottawa or trenchless pipe lining when necessary, this could be a reality. Not only do you have to deal with the reality of the damage inside of your home – but the repairs could be difficult and expensive to repair.
Inspect The Sewer Drain Line
If you are able to close the main drainage piping yourself, chances are that you will avoid further problems. The stoppage is likely in the city main sewer line if the cleanout is full – if it is clear you are going to have to deal with the backup yourself, because the backup is somewhere between the house and the cleanout.
Turn The Electricity Off
Unless you truly know what you are doing, it is a safe bet to turn off the electricity to the entire house. What most people forget is that it is also a good idea to shut off the gas and water supplies as well.
Get Some Things To Safety
If you are able to get things out of the ‘line of fire’, you should certainly do so. Make sure that you remove any items that could otherwise become damaged because of the pooling waste and move them out of harm’s way. Remember to be safe during the process.
Get The Water Out Quickly
One of the most important factors in minimizing your damage is making sure that you get the water out as quickly as possible. That is one of the reasons why you want to act quickly – and another reason why adding a sump pump might be a perfect solution to prevent the issue in the future. Remember that water damage is something that you are not able to undo very quickly, and it is going to leave a lasting effect on your home.
Make Sure That You Call The Professionals
The best thing that you can do if you experience a sewer backup is call us, the Ottawa plumbing professionals at Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing. These licensed professionals are going to make sure that your home is kept safe even after a sewer backup. They can help you with the mess and they can make sure that you never have to worry about this issue again in the future.
Give us a call today: 613 791 5777 for a free upfront estimate!