4 Steps How to Choose a Water Filter

Few Words about Filtring Your Water
If you want terrific tasting, clear, clean water at an all-time low cost, then you’ll want to purify water at home. Of course, several water purification methods exist. You will need to consider the feature of each system to determine what filtration system will work best for you and your needs. Some of the choices include whole-house models, under the sink filtration systems or you can opt for a pitcher system as well. Naturally, you will wonder how the system works or if it is really working at all, especially if this is the first time you are investing in a home water filtration system. You will also likely wonder about the power of the filtration system you buy; In other words, just what is the filter filtering out and what remains in the water you are consuming?
It becomes necessary for you to learn a bit about water contaminants and how filtration systems operate. In doing so, you will quickly learn the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Consider systems that are certified to, so there is proof of manufacturer claims on how effective the products are when filtering your water. Consider the next few steps listed below to choose the ideal water filtration system for your home.
4 Steps For Choosing a Water Filter
Step 1. It’s Time To Take A Real Close Look At Your Water
To filter your water properly, you must know what you are trying to filter from the water in your home. If you have a well, you might test your water with an at-home test kit. You can easily get this test get from a home improvement store in your area. If you rather hire a professional, you can contact a local water utility to find out about laboratories that conduct water testing in your region. If you have public water, you can request a copy of the city’s yearly water quality report to find out what filtration system will work the best instead. At minimum, you need to determine if there is lead in the water and if so, how much because lead is quite dangerous and a hazard to human health.
Step 2. Time To Identify The Filtration System That Can Give You The Purest Water
Once you know what kind of filtration action you require, you really need to match up a good filtration system with your water filtering needs. You will find there are several models of under sink filtration systems as well as water pitcher selection featuring filters possessing activated carbon. This filter type is great for filtering out Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), giardia and other parasites, pesticides, chlorine, and most heavy metals including lead, mercury, and copper. Alternative contaminants that need to be filtered out of the water include arsenic, which is removed via distillation, and perchlorates, which are removed through reverse osmosis.
Step 3. Get Some Unbiased, Knowledgeable Information About Filtration Systems
Look at the NSF International Charts to find out what kind of system will work best for you. The organization above is accredited and independent so it has unbiased reviews of filtration systems and their functionality. The organization has charts that will clearly indicate to you what filter can remove specific water contaminants.
Step 4. Give Due Consideration Of Where You Plan To Install The Filter
You can opt for a point of entry water filter system that filters all the water in the home before it enters the house. Or, you can make of a point of use filtering system which, of course, filters water immediately as you access it and at the point in which it is accessed. The point of use systems that are available are those that can be placed under the skin, attached to the faucet or those systems with a filter inside a pitcher or bottle. Keep in mind you may need more than one filtration system.
A point of entry system might weed out a lot of mineral deposits, but you might need a point of access filter to get rid of parasites and the like. Finally, if your water has an abundant amount of chlorine in it and this bothers your sensitive skin, a shower filter might also be another water filtration option to consider.

The Benefits Of Installing A Water Filter
The truth is that a good water softener (filter) is able to save you money and provide you with cleaner water. You might understand why a water softener is a good investment after reading some of the added benefits that you get from it.
Benefit #1 – Your Skin Will Thank You.
Your hair is going to be softer and your skin is going to glow with the elimination of harsh minerals. Even though it is not necessarily the most important benefit, it is certainly one worth considering. This is especially true because you might happen to clog your pores by using hard water.
Benefit #2 – Clothes And Dishes Will Look Cleaner.
If the coloring in your clothes is starting to fade and you cannot get those whites white enough, chances are that you also have streaks on your glasses after they have been in the dishwasher. Those are all the results of hard water. This problem is going to diminish significantly after you install a water softener.
Benefit #3 – Help Save Money On Your Energy Bill.
Not only is your water going to heat faster because of the increased efficiency, but you might reduce the yearly cost of a water heater by as much as 22 to 29 percent. This means that your water softener is actually an investment rather than an expense.
Benefit #4 – Prolong The Life Of Your Appliances.
Many harsh minerals (including calcium and magnesium) are going to cause buildup in your water. This means that all water-using appliances can benefit from the installation of a water softener. This includes your coffee maker, showerheads, faucets, your laundry machine, dishwasher, and your icemaker.
Asking The Experts
If you have any additional questions about how to install a water filter or would like to know more about the benefits, call the professionals at Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing. That way, you know that you are getting honest advice from qualified plumbing professionals. When you decide that you do want a water softener, these professionals are going to be able to install it for you quickly and effectively.
If you’re having trouble and want help from a reputable and licensed plumber, call us at Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing Services. Give us a call when you need help from the professionals.
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